A tire shine for your car goes a long way. There are some great benefits to shining your tires. So when you come down to us for a car wash, be sure to get a tire shine with one of our packages. It is included in our Ultimate and Works car wash packages. For more information about our car wash services, please contact us today. We will happily answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding this or any service we provide. In the meantime, please read on about the benefits of a tire shine.
Tire Shine Benefits
- Have Your Tires Stand Out: When you get a tire shine with us, your tires will look brand new! Once we shine them, they help keep the tires sparkling while you drive. These shines are designed to bring out the black shine in the surface. So get a shine today and have your tires look shiny new!
- Keeps Away Dirt & Mud: Effective tire shines will help to keep dirt, mud, and other road debris from sticking to your tire for a period of time. This keeps your tires looking fresh and sparkling new!
- Sun Damage Protection: Our tire shines will help keep your tires protected against harmful UV rays. This means the shine protection will keep the tire color from fading if left in the sun for long periods of time. Our shines will also help prevent any cracks from happening on the rubber.
Types of Tire Shines
When it comes to tire shines, there are two popular types. The spray on shine and the gel-based shine. If you have a preference, please let our staff know. Otherwise, read more about each type of shine!
Spray On Shines
Many tire shining products come in a spray bottle, which allows for better accuracy when applying. Spray on shines are easy to apply and allow the liquid to reach any difficult to reach areas, like in between the tire ridges. These sprays are made up of oils and polymers mixed with water. One of the key benefits of a spray is that it won’’t wear down the tires, which means it can be used more often without fear of damaging the tires. However, the shine and protection does not last as long as those gel-based options.
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Gel-Based Shines
Gel shines also comes in a bottle and gives you control over how much product you use and where exactly you use it. When you apply a gel shine, you rub the gel onto the rubber of the tire using a microfiber cloth. You can also do apply the gel directly to the cloth and then rub. Since you are manually rubbing the tire shine onto the tire, this process is more time-consuming.